Android 13 Release for Tungsten Platforms
We are pleased to announce our Android 13 Release for all Tungsten Platforms. This includes our new Tunsgten510 SMARC and our Tungsten700 SMARC. This release is based upon the MediaTek AOSP+ release.
Prebuilt Image
You can download the prebuilt images from here:
- Tungsten510:
- Tungsten700:
Changelog 20240426 to 20241130:
- update to November Android Security Bulletin (ASB)
- update kernel from 5.15.94 to 5.15.153
- enable BT PCM input support
How to Burn
The .zip archives include all the files to be flashed using SP Flash Tool that can downloaded here:
Then you can follow the instructions below:
- Unpack both archive (SP Flash Tool & Android image)
- Set the SW1 switch on Tungsten700 SMARC to the ON position
- Insert the 5V power supply and connect a USB (TypeC) cable from your PC to the carrier
- Start the SPFlashToolV6 binary (either on Linux or Windows)
- Select the “Download-XML” file in the tool (in image folder under
) - Select “Format All + Download” in the drop-down menu below the download button
- Click on “Download” and press the RESET button on the carrier board
- You should see the progress bar updates, this process should take around 3 minutes
- Once completed, set the SW1 switch on Tungsten700 SMARC back to the OFF position
- Reset the device and Voilà!
What’s new?
Android 13 OS updates
Google provides a list of notable changes for developers:
Code based upon latest Android 13 including all the security patches up until November 2024!
This release comes with SELinux in permissive mode for easy debugging / customization.
Note that this feature only works on userdebug builds, user builds are enforced at all time.
The image also supports Android Verified Boot 2.0!
So I can’t make any modification now? No, there’s a way to disable verity for userdebug builds:
$ adb root
$ adb disable-verity
$ adb reboot
At this point you will be able to modify every partition. However, it goes without saying that this disablement isn’t possible on user builds.
Linux Kernel 5.15.x
This Android release is based on a 5.15.x kernel from MediaTek. For those familiar with the Yocto 5.15 kernel, know that the Android version is quite different as its architecture is meant to support Android Generic Kernel Image (GKI) images.
Ezurio additions
Just like our previous releases, this one includes unique features that only Ezurio provides:
- HDMI as primary display support
- This release forces HDMI to be used as primary display for easy evaluation
- Contact us for other display optoins
- USB Camera support with custom properties
- As no CSI camera is currently supported, USB has been enabled
- Also, since USB camera are declared as EXTERNAL in Android, we offer a way for them to appear as BACK/FRONT cameras:
# setprop 0
- Ethernet connectivity enablement
- This release supports both our KSZ9031 and USB LAN78xx PHYs
- Custom Audio routing
- Android uses HDMI audio output for MEDIA content
- Added support for I2S / WM8962 support for all other contents
- Sona MT320 Wi-Fi 6 + BT 5.3 support
Source code access
The Android source code is not publicly available and requires to sign an agreement with MediaTek. Contact us if you want to know more.
As always, let us know your experiences (both good and bad) when you test out this image.