60 SOM release
We are pleased to announce software version for our 60 Series SOM. This release is based upon the following:
- Linux kernel v6.6.44
- Buildroot 2024.02.5
Below you will find download links for the images as well as detailed instructions for building.
SOM Release Notes
A complete changelog, list of resolved issues and known issues, and features list can be found in the 60 Series SOM release notes:
Radio Release Notes and Radio-Specific Information
Important: This software release includes Summit radio stack version Release notes and regulatory release notes for the radio on board the SOM are specific to this version of the connectivity stack.
See the regulatory release notes for the 60 Series SOM for more information. EZ-RRN-60Series.pdf
Note: For full instructions on how to flash software builds, please see the 60 Series SOM DVK User Guide.
You can download the prebuilt images from here:
Unique Build links
Note: For full instructions on how to build software images from source, please see the 60 Series SOM DVK User Guide.
This release uses the som60_12.87.0.32.xml manifest in the master branch of our Ezurio https://github.com/Ezurio/SOM60-Release-Packages repository. When doing repo init, please use the following command:
repo init -u git@github.com:Ezurio/SOM60-Release-Packages.git -b master -m som60_12.87.0.32.xml
For full instructions, see the 60 Series SOM DVK User Guide.
Documentation for the (product), such as User Guides, Application Notes, and Datasheet can be found on the (product) web page:
Contact Us
If you have any issues, please visit https://www.ezurio.com/contact