In the OTA portion of the Laird Toolkit what does the “Periodical Scan” setting do?


The setting for “Periodical Scan” in the OTA portion of the Laird Toolkit Android application will refresh the BLE scan results every two seconds. When you hit the “scan” button, scan results will be returned to you on the screen, however on some Android devices the results may not properly refresh. That is to say, if you scan for a device and find it, and then the device moves out of range, it may not be removed from the scan results. If this happens, you may attempt to connect to a device that is not within range.

With “Periodical Scan” our app will scan every 2 seconds in order to provide up to date scan results.

Clarification: Having periodical scan enabled will not cause your app or the device to scan all the time. The “periodical scan” feature is only active when you have clicked the “scan” button.