Private Git Access

While most of our code is freely available and open-source, we do build upon a number of closed-source projects that require access to be restricted.

By clicking on the Submit button below and using the SSH key provided to access these repository, you agree to the terms of our End User License agreement.

If you’re not familiar with public key authentication or generating a public/private key pair, there are some nice notes on GitHub here:

The SSH public key will normally be a really long string, starting with ssh-something, followed by a long string of alphanumeric data, and ending with your user name and host. It is typically found in a file named or in a directory named .ssh in your home directory. Barring a breakthrough in prime number factorization, sending your SSH public key to us will not compromise your system’s security.

Note that it will take up to 24 hours for your key to be added to the server. You should receive a confirmation e-mail when this is done, no need to contact us if it has been less than 24 hours.

Do not send us the content of your private key (.ssh/id_dsa or .ssh/id_rsa)! Keep that one under lock and key and password-protect it.


Public Key

Note, that you need to enable "Show hidden files" in the open file dialog (usually its a right mouse click) , otherwise you will not be able to see any file starting with dot