Bluetooth Sensors

Best-In-Class Bluetooth Sensor Options For IoT

Gather environmental data with a broad range of Bluetooth LE IoT sensor options. Built with robust IP67 ratings for maximum durability in challenging environments, choose from an array of battery powered Bluetooth LE sensor hardware with built in sensor options for temperature, acceleration, open / close or external sensor interfaces for ultrasonic, thermistors, pressure and AC current

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Available Bluetooth IoT Sensors

Sentrius BT6x0 I/O Sensor

Robust, secure, IP67-Certified Bluetooth LE Long Range industrial sensors. Support for Thermistor, AC Current, and Ultrasonic/Pressure external sensors

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Sentrius BT510 Sensor

Our Sentrius BT510 Sensor utilizes Bluetooth 5, including long-range LE Coded PHY, to send proximity, accelerometer, and open/close data. Years of readings on a single coin-cell battery. 

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Sentrius BT710 Sensor

Our Sentrius BT710  tracker provides user alerts and RTLS location capabilities over long-range Bluetooth 5. Serves contact tracing and workplace safety applications to fight COVID-19. 

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Applications of our Bluetooth Sensors

Temperature Sensors

Thermistor Sensors

Pressure Sensors

Proximity Sensors

Vibration Sensors