FCC Certification: OET KDB Updates

Published on December 7, 2012

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usa flag_chipThe FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) laboratory division periodically releases lists of updates to the OET Knowledge Database (KDB); the following are some of the latest KDB updates, with a brief review of the subject and content of the KDB publications. 

The OET KDB is a useful resource which is used as a reference and research tool, and serves as a repository for answers to both common, and not-so-common, questions regarding the the complex process of Equipment Authorization and FCC Certification.

The OET KDB search can be visited at: https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/kdb/index.cfm; which also has a link to an RSS Feed for those looking to keep abreast of the most recent changes. 


KDB number 178919 - Permissive Change Policy

  • This publication provides as attachment, 178919 D01, which outlines the general policy and specifications for a permissive change to a Grant of Equipment Authorization.  Categories for the permissive changes and policies addressed in this document include: antenna design changes, PCB or hardware changes, changes to the enclosure, software changes, and other basic miscellaneous revisions.  Permissive changes are classified as Class I or Class II; Class I permissive changes require re-evaluation upon the type change, but not re-submittal for a new Grant of Equipment Authorization.  A Class II permissive change requires submittal for an updated Grant of Equipment Authorization for equipment operating under an existing FCC ID number.  The policy was updated on 10/24/12 to allow TCBs to approve third part software upgrades under the "Permit but Ask" policy of the FCC.  Additionally, RF exposure considerations have been updated to reference the published RF Exposure KDB procedures.

KDB number 852134 - Authorized Individual Policy (Form 731)

  • This KDB document reviews the role of an authorized agent of form 731, and the guidelines which are to be followed when during the filing of an Application for Equipment Authorization, or amending an existing Grant of Equipment Authorization.  Attachment D01 of this publication was last updated on 12/3/12; with an adjustment to the procedure for submitting a request for the Grantee Code number if an applicant is not the authorized contact in the Grantee Code Database.

KDB number 204515 - Grantee Code

  • This publication outlines the guidelines for acquiring a Grantee Code, modifying the information in the Grantee Code Database, and transferring control of a Grantee Code.  The guide was published on 12/3/12 in response to a submitted KDB inquiry.

KDB number 726920 - Confidentiality

  • This publication reviews confidentiality of information submitted during the Equipment Authorization.  There are four attachments associated with this publication. 726920 D01 is a table outlining the applicability of confidentiality to various exhibits submitted during an Equipment Authorization and whether long-term or short-term confidentiality is available.  726920 D02 details the procedure for requesting confidentiality during an Application for Equipment Authorization. 726920 D03 provides specific details when the application is processed by the FCC, and 726920 D04 provides details when the application is processed by a TCB.  The KDB publication date was 12/3/12

Radio Service:

KDB number 558074 - DTS Measurement Guidance

  • This publication's attachment, 558074 D01, provides guidance on the procedures for compliance measurements on Digital Transmission Systems operating under Title 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, section 15.247. The guidance was updated as clarification to existing procedures and to expand measurement options to accommodate contemporary digital modulation schemes.  The guidance document supersedes any previous revisions of this publication, but does not invalidate the measurement methodology document ANSI C63.10.  Publication date was 10/4/12.

KDB number 789033 - UNII Test Procedures

  • This publication outlines the general test procedures and guidance for testing UNII type devices.  The attachment, 789033 D01, replaces and supersedes guidance in Public Notice DA 02-2138 from August 2002; and is the general test procedures for testing UNII devices to Title 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E section 15.407.  The procedures for evaluating DFS functionality and MIMO devices are not applicable to this guidance document, and can be found in FCC order, ET Docket No.03-122 and KDB Publication 662911 respectively.  789033 D01 was revised on 9/26/12 with clarifications to duty cycle and power spectral density; a modification allowing testing single channels for each modulation mode for overall test time reduction purposes; an addition allowing 15.209 limits to satisfy peak emission limits under certain circumstances, and a replacement guidance procedure for array gain for spurious emissions (reference KDB Pub. 662911).

RF Exposure / SAR:KDB number 447498 - Mobile and Portable RF Exposure

  • This publication outlines the Equipment Authorization requirements for RF Exposure on devices classified as Mobile or Portable.  The publication has three attachments.  447498 D01 provides guidance for general RF Exposure; 447498 D02 provides procedures and policies for Mobile and Portable RF Exposure; and 447498 D03 provides SAR procedures for USB Dongle transmitters.  KDB publication 447498 was updated on 10/24/12 in response to a direct KDB inquiry.

KDB number 690783 - Guidance for TCBs listing SAR on Grants of Equipment Authorization. 

  • This publication was updated on 10/24/12 to reflect various changes made to RF Exposure guidance.

KDB number 865664 - RF Exposure on GHz devices

  • This publication provides a change notice that the 2006 FCC SAR 3 to 6 GHz Rev document has been replaced by 865664 D01, SAR measurement 100MHz to 6GHz.  The publication date was 10/24/12.