Lyra Series: Frequently Asked Questions

A short list of the most commonly-asked questions about getting started with our Lyra Series Bluetooth 5.3 modules.

Published on February 2, 2023

Lyra Series: Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions and Answers – Introduction

Our Lyra Series Bluetooth 5.3 modules, based on the Silicon Labs EFR32BG22 SoC, is our latest addition to our range of BLE modules. It brings all the benefits of Silicon Labs hardware, software, and tools offerings with Ezurio’s added value application software, services, certification, and support capabilities. This seamless partnership provides customers with multiple software development options suited to their resources and skillsets in Bluetooth LE-enabled product development.

Partially as a result of the fact that this module is an extension of Silicon Labs’ existing product line, customers often have several questions about differences between the Lyra Series and the previous BGX220 offerings. In particular, customers often have questions about how the modules and development kits are configured on arrival, as well as what’s changed between the Lyra and the BGX220.

In this post, we want to address a few helpful questions and answers that we frequently see with customers that can be helpful in terms of getting started with the modules, developing the modules, and accessing support and documentation materials that are useful for OEMs.

#1: How are the modules programmed out of the box?

Customers frequently are under the impression that the Lyra modules are programmed out of the box with Wireless Xpress (BGX) software. This is not the case: as part of our Lyra Series offering, we offer three distinct routes to firmware development: Our fully-featured AT Command Set, Wireless Xpress (frozen at the current release), and full C Code development with Silicon Labs’ SDK and toolchain.

For this reason, all manufactured Lyra modules ship pre-programmed with our own Ezurio bootloader type / configuration and a factory application. The bootloader enables firmware programming via Serial DFU (UART) on modules reset by triggering the BOOT pin and the factory application can be used to upload firmware over-the-air (OTA) via BLE for certain software options.

Please keep in mind that in order to run Wireless Xpress on Lyra access to either UART and/or SWD interface is required. OTA cannot be used for the initial Wireless Xpress software programming. For full details on the firmware options available for the Lyra series, where to find firmware, and how to flash to the modules, see our user guide: “Firmware Options and Upgrade Methods – Lyra Series.”

For more questions and answers on this subject, please see the following FAQs:

We also highly recommend reviewing our latest BGX13 / BGX220 to Lyra Series – Bluetooth Xpress Migration Guide carefully.

#2: Where can I find Certifications and Test Reports for the Lyra Series?

Our Lyra Series test reports and certifications, which cover approvals for USA (FCC), Canada (ISED), United Kingdom (UKCA), Europe (CE), Japan (MIC/TELEC), and Korea (KC), are based on the original approvals secured by Silicon Labs for the BGX220 series modules. They are available by request for customers.

To request certifications and test reports for the Lyra Series, contact us on the web via our contact us page.

For the Bluetooth SIG product registration and listing it is required to complete the Bluetooth SIG Declaration Process (Qualification Process with no required Testing) as described in our Lyra datasheets under section 13: Bluetooth SIG Qualification:

#3: How do I debug and program the Lyra Series Modules?

The Silicon Labs BGX13 and BGX220 modules did not previously support a Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface. We support replacing (or recovering) the Lyra bootloader through SWD as this is not possible via UART or OTA. Additionally, SWD can be used for all advanced developer tasks as such debugging or programming the module. We encourage customers to implement the SWD interface for all new Lyra-based designs whenever possible.

The Lyra P and Lyra S development kit guides cover the functionality and pinout of the onboard debugging interface, as well as how to connect and use the debugging interface. For more information, see the development kit guide for your Lyra model:

Please note that all Lyra DVKs ship completely empty and erased with no bootloader and no application preloaded. Before getting started, make sure to first program both a bootloader and application image on your Lyra DVK. You can find all available images on our Lyra Firmware Release GitHub page under

#4: Where can I find community support for the Lyra Series?

Ezurio has an international sales and support organization that provides Tier-2 FAE and engineering support for our customers. However, the Lyra Series also has a public support channel available via the Silicon Labs website, which you can join here.

The Bluetooth LE Lyra board is a great place to ask and answer questions, support others, and earn point for participating in the community. You can search by existing questions, articles, projects, and topics, as well as ask your own questions.

More on the Lyra Series

For more information on the Lyra Series modules, as well as access to product specifications, documentation, software, and more, visit the Lyra Series page on our website: