In their search for a manufacturer, ASPION had multiple needs. They required a module with the right feature set, but they also needed a module with regulatory approvals for operation in a variety of regulatory domains. They also wanted an experienced partner with a proven portfolio that could give them confidence in developing a long-term, well supported platform.
ASPION found a solution to their needs in the Ezurio BL652 module. Its Bluetooth + NFC combination proved to be a perfect wireless coupling for their application. Also, their use of the onboard microcontroller allowed them to develop event-driven functionality that saved battery life and produced excellent results.
One of the primary issues with a data logging device is getting the data returned from the logger to storage, and ultimately to the sender for verification. The ASPION G-Log makes it very easy for the shipment recipients to scan the delivery via the BL652’s Bluetooth connection. Operators can scan anywhere within a 10-meter radius of the sensor via a smartphone and easily export the logging data back to the sender via email for verification.
More importantly, the onboard microcontroller on the BL652 provided ASPION with a means to analyze sensor data in real time and generate events based on conditions monitored. The microcontroller monitors transport loads and climate conditions and can quickly store relevant events in flash memory, greatly reducing power consumption. This also allows each sensor to operate for long periods of time before replacing the CR2032 coin cell battery.
It was also a primary concern for ASPION to find a well-supported module to simplify their development. They found the BL652’s extensive documentation, software, and hardware integration guides enabled a far easier development process. And with access to Ezurio’s worldwide Tier 2 support organization, their development was always within reach of expert assistance.