Laird Helps Underprivileged Children Dreams Come True
Published on April 13, 2015

Laird donates free bicycles and helmets to 50 Students in the greater Los Angeles Area
Global technology leader Laird (LRD: London) announces today that it has donated 50 bicycles to underprivileged children in the Lost Angeles area.
The unsuspecting students, ages 8 to 14, were brought straight from school to a location where Laird employees were waiting to surprise them with the bicycles. For many this is the first bicycle they’ve ever had, and they immediately strapped on their new helmets to go for a ride.
Laird managers spent the afternoon assembling the bicycles while in town for their annual management conference. L.A. based Best Corporate Events helped organize the festivities.
“Giving back to the communities in which we live and work is an essential part of our culture at Laird,” explains Laird’s Chief Executive Officer, David Lockwood.
“Students are the next generation of engineers and innovators on which our company is built. Our managers were almost as excited to build the bikes as the students were to receive them,” says Laird’s Chief Human Resources Officer, Carolyn Koenig. She
The students are all members of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Venice.
More information about Laird can be found by visiting http://www.lairdtech.com.
About Laird
Laird is a global technology company focused on providing systems, components and solutions that protect electronics from electromagnetic interference and heat, and that enable connectivity in mission critical systems through wireless applications and antenna systems.
Products are supplied to all sectors of the electronics industry including the Automotive, Mobile Device, Healthcare/ Medical, Computer/ Gaming, Telecommunications, Industrial/ Production, and Transportation markets.
Laird, a unit of Laird PLC, employs over 9,000 employees in more than 50 facilities located in 19 countries.
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