Qt blog A couple of weeks ago, we found out about some work that the folks at Digia are doing for embedded developers.
Known as Boot To Qt, this upcoming offering does precisely what many of you need: it boots quickly into a Qt-based application.
More importantly, this commercial offering from Digia can provide your development team a quick and powerful development environment on day one. By development and deployment tools, Digia is aiming to have you building and running your application by lunch time.
If you're using or planning to use Qt, you should really check this out. The team that brought you this best of breed C++ application framework, and the powerful QML user interface language are continuing to innovate.
After checking it out, please let us (and Digia) know your thoughts about this exciting initiative.
If you're not using Qt, you should ask yourself "why not?". As board manufacturers, we see a lot of projects come and go, and we've found one thing to be true:
Development teams that use Qt are much more likely to make it to market.