We are pleased to announce the release of the DB_8MM_DSIHD, a daughter board that allows MIPI-DSI to HDMI conversion. Product details can be found here.The product is mainly geared towards the Nitrogen8M Mini and Nitrogen8m Nano, as the i.MX8M Mini and i.MX8M Nano processors only support a single MIPI-DSI display output. Therefore, this daughter board is necessary to enable HDMI output. It can also be used with the Nitrogen8M, if a second HDMI output is desired. Find below a video demo of the board in action. The specs of the setup in the video are as follows:
Board Specs:
Nitrogen8M Mini running Yocto 3.0 Zeus + 1080p HDMI DisplayKernel Revision: 4.14.x_2.0.0_ga
Video Summary:
The MIPI-DSI display output (1080p) of the Nitrogen8M Mini connects to the MIPI-DSI input on the DB_8MM_DSIHD and the HDMI is outputted from there to the 1080p Monitor.