Designing with LE Audio for Advanced Bluetooth 5.2 Products with the BL5340

Published on November 8, 2021

Designing with LE Audio for Advanced Bluetooth 5.2 Products with the BL5340

Multi-Core and Multi Wireless: The New BL5340 Series Delivers for your LE Audio Applications with Packetcraft's Bluetooth 5.2 Host and Controller Stacks

This joint webinar will provide informative insight into the architecture, capabilities, and benefits of utilizing Ezurio’s new BL5340 series of modules and advanced development kits with world leading LE Audio software from Packetcraft. Attendees will learn about the Nordic nRF5340 dual core Arm® Cortex M33 multi wireless implementation and how it provides OEMs with enhanced end product capabilities, with a focus on security, performance, power consumption and exciting new Bluetooth 5.2 features.

Attendees will learn about the combination of the BL5340 hardware with the Bluetooth 5.2 certified Host and Controller software stacks from Packetcraft for a range of LE Audio applications. It will provide insights into what LE Audio is, the key features and capabilities as well as laying out various application examples for OEM device manufacturers. Finally, the webinar will close with a demonstration of the combined Ezurio / Packetcraft Audio EK product, with the supporting binary software and user guides to enable your rapid testing of LE Audio.

Key Takeaways for Attendees

  1. Learn about the Nordic nRF5340 silicon and its capabilities for Ezurio’s new BL5340 module range
  2. Understand the key principles and features of Bluetooth 5.2, focusing on LE Audio
  3. Review applications for LE Audio and explore some of the out of the box implementations available with the Ezurio, Packetcraft Audio EK


Jonathan KayeVP Product Management & Marketing, Ezurio

Jonathan Kaye is a VP Product Management & Marketing at Ezurio. Jonathan has more than 15 years of experience in Bluetooth® technology, including design and implementation into modules and a variety of end products. Jonathan manages Ezurio’s portfolio of Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy products and has worked with Nordic Semiconductor silicon for the last 8 years.

Jason HillyardVP Business Development, Packetcraft

Jason Hillyard is VP Business Development at Packetcraft. During his 20+ years in the Bluetooth industry, Jason has worked at leading semiconductor companies and has held roles as a protocol software engineer, system architect, engineering director, and founder of a successful software startup. Jason is the original architect of Packetcraft’s Bluetooth stack.