Do you support User Functions (or something similar) in your AT Interface app like Wireless Xpress?


Yes. User functions are available for both Lyra (22) and 24 series. In this case, please verify and make sure that you run a recent version of our AT Interface app such as >= GA2 for Lyra (22) and >= GA1 for Lyra 24 on your module.

They can be used to trigger a specific behaviour when a module event occurs. For example, you can toggle a GPIO when establishing a BLE connection, remove bonding information on disconnect, change TX power or the BLE device appearance, modify scan and advertising intervals, and a lot more – with less work and logic to be handled by an external MCU.

In the past, initial support for user functions was added to allow customers migrating from Wireless Xpress (and a BGX-based design) to our AT Interface application more easily. User functions can be used in conjunction with the AT+UFU and AT+SIOC commands. Refer to our latest Lyra Series – AT Interface Application User Guide and Lyra Series – Peripheral Interface Application Note for more details and examples. The usage of user functions is optional and disabled (not active) by default.

Please consider the following: Currently, only one AT command can be associated with each user function. Supported are SIO (Signal Input/Output) and BLE connection events as well as the boot event which gets triggered each time after resetting or rebooting the Lyra module. The number of user functions is limited, and not more than 320 bytes of total storage can be reserved for all AT command parameters.