Extended list of code examples for Lyra devices


Application Examples

The Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack allows for a wide variety applications to be built on its foundation. This repo showcases some example applications built using the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack. The link to the repo on Github - https://github.com/SiliconLabs/bluetooth_applications inludes the following samples:

  • BLE Man-in-the-Middle vulnerability Demo with a solution
  • BLE NFC Pairing with NT3H2111 and NT3H2211
  • BLE SPP over BLE (Serial Port Profile)
  • BLE SPP with Windows (Serial Port Profile)
  • BLE OTA Firmware Update in User Application example
  • BLE Uploading Images to Internal/External Flash Using OTA DFU
  • BLE Using EM4 Energy Mode in Bluetooth iBeacon Application
  • Explorer Kit BLE accelerometer example using I2C bus BMA400 accelerometer
  • Explorer Kit BLE barometer example using I2C bus DPS310 pressure sensor
  • Explorer Kit BLE bio-sensor example using I2C bus MAXM86161 HR and SpO2 sensor
  • Explorer Kit BLE bio-sensor example using I2C bus MAXM86161 HR/SpO2 sensor and OLED display
  • IR Generator (InfraRed)
  • Log system example using UART(VCOM) or RTT with message levels
  • Explorer Kit BLE accelerometer example using SPI bus BMA400 accelerometer

Bluetooth LE Stack Feature Examples

This repo - https://github.com/SiliconLabs/bluetooth_stack_features contains example projects which demonstrate the features of the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack. The examples are categorized by the features that they demonstrate. These features are advertising, connections, GATT protocol, security, persistent storage, firmware upgrade, NCP, and system and performance.

The list of the samples includes:

  • Advertising
  • Connections
  • GATT Protocol
  • Security
  • Persistent Storage
  • Firmware Upgrade
    • OTA for NCP Hosts
    • OTA from Windows
  • NCP
  • System and Performance

Python-Based Host Examples

This repo - https://github.com/SiliconLabs/pybgapi-examples contains example projects based on pyBGAPI that implement simple Bluetooth and Bluetooth mesh applications for demonstration purposes. These examples can be used as references to implement custom Bluetooth and Bluetooth mesh applications in Python in just a few minutes without writing a single line of embedded code.

All examples in this repo reproduce the behavior of existing C examples from the Gecko SDK. The examples can be tested together with the EFR Connect mobile app. See the documentation of the original C examples to get more information.

The list of the samples includes:

Bluetooth - Empty
Bluetooth - iBeacon
Bluetooth - Thermometer
Bluetooth - Thermometer Client
Bluetooth mesh - Empty