This bootloader firmware is programmed by Silicon Labs to all BG22 modules during the manufacturing process. It supports updates over UART with special utility uart_dfu.exe
Updating the application using BGAPI UART DFU Bootloader
- Please build the application uart_dfu.exe using “make” with “cigwin” or similar platform on Windows operating system. On Linux, and Mac OS/s the “make” is supported natively.
- As an example the source code of the application uart_dfu can be found under the following folder on WindowsOS:
- Please build the application uart_dfu using of the methods described above
- Locate the uart_dfu.exe executable and run the command:
./uart_dfu.exe COM42 115200 full.gbl where:
- ./uart_dfu.exe - name of the application
- COM42 - serial communication port of the connected DVK
- 115200 - serial port baud rate
- full.gbl - Geko Bootloader file [GBL]. This file is generated by running the create_bl_files.bat/.sh scripts. The script is included into soc-empty project templated that is provided by Simplicity studio. For testing please use soc-empty template project from Simplicity studio for experimenting and creating the GBL file
- The utility generates the following message upon successful application update completion:
Once the update is completed, to test the BLE application(example: soc-empty) please used mobile application (e.g.: nRFConnect, EFRConnect). The device should be advertising with “Empty Example” device name if soc-empty project produced firmware was used for update without any additional modifications. The device name can be updated in the soc-empty project using GATT configurator as shown:
The steps above prove with basic usage information on utilizing BGAPI UART DFU BOOTLOADER for modifying the firmware application partition of the internal flash of BGM220P and BGM220S modules.