Firmware update over UART using UART XMODEM Bootloader


UART XMODEM Bootloader

UART XMODEM Bootloader – the update can be performed over UART interface using TeraTerm or similar program, the protocol for sending the firmware images is XMODEM. Please make sure to load the bootloader image into the internal flash location 0x00 of the module if wasn't done already before proceeding to the next step. In addition, the [GBL] file is required for the firmware update to work.     

Updating the application image using UART XMODE Bootloader

  • Please connect TeraTerm or similar program w/ 115200 baud rate, 8 bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit, No Flow Control to the communication port (e.g.: COM17)

  • Once connected please press “Enter”, the screen output should be as shown:

User-added image

  • Select “1”  for uploading [GBL]
  • Send the application image [GBL] file using XMODEM protocol, example below for TeraTerm

User-added image

  • Once the update is completed, to test the BLE application(example: soc-empty) please used mobile application (e.g.: nRFConnect, EFRConnect). The device should be advertising with “Empty Example” device name if soc-empty project produced firmware was used for update without any additional modifications. The device name can be updated in the soc-empty project using GATT configurator as shown:

User-added image



The steps above prove with basic usage information on utilizing UART XMODEM BOOTLOADER  for modifying the firmware application partition of the internal flash of BGM220P and BGM220S module