How can handshaking be turned off on the CL4790 (AC4790)? In referencing the EEPROM settings found in the AC4790 User Guide, "if 0x56 bit 2 is set to 0 it will ignore RTS," but with this set that way, I am still not able to get the radio to work with my application which requires handshaking to be turned off. The EEPROM settings for CTS were confusing. Can you please clarify? The only way to turn off or disable handshaking on the CL4790 or AC4790 is to NOT connect RTS and CTS. If they must be connected in the application then the only option is to ignore RTS by setting the EEPROM address 0x56, bit-2 to 0. The EEPROM settings for CTS 0x5C and 0x5D are used to toggle between setting CTS high or low. It cannot be turned off if it is connected.