The internal memory of the 60SOM (and also the 60SOM DVK of course) can be flashed by the means of the program "fw_update" available in Laird Linux generic image downloadable from Laird.
There is no need to use a tftp server from U-boot.
A prerequisite of course is that the SDcard interface of the 60SOM is brought out and console access is available as is on the 60SOM DVK.
This is the process:
- Boot with generic 60SOM image from Laird from SDcard
- Issue “fw_update -m complete <url or path to .swu file>”
- Remove SDcard
- Reboot
<url or path to .swu file> can be on a USB stick, a network location, the SDcard itself, etc.
The .swu file will have been generated after succesfully bulding an image for the 60SOM for example in folder:
Note: this is just an example. Your full path will very likely be different.