You can factory default a module using Ezurio Terminal by right clicking on the main window and selecting Factory Default/ via BREAK/COMMAND @ 9600. However should you not have access to Ezurio Terminal the procedure is as follows:
Open PC’s comport with “9600,N,8,1”
Assert PC’s RTS which is connected to module’s UART_CTS input
Deassert PC’s DTR which is connected to module’s UART_DSR input
Start a 1000msec timer (not essential, but I do it anyway)
On timer expire
Send a Break (OR switch off power to module)
Start a 1000 msec timer
On timer expire
Release Break (OR switch on power to module)
Flush receive buffer
Start 600 msec timer
On timer expire
Start 300 msec timer
On timer expire
Start 300 msec timer
On timer expire
Start 300 msec timer
On timer expire
Check receive buffer to see if at least one “OK” was received
If OK received then module is in factory default mode
If OK NOT received then please try again
What if DSR and CTS were not used, would this still be useable?
You might get away with not having CTS, but DSR is definitely required. DSR has to be deasserted when the module is powering on to go into checking for that mode.