The supplicant is slightly more complex. Laird recommends that you do not attempt to do this without first doing a step by step check of the driver and kernel integration and patch.
If you must integrate our supplicant, you will need our libsdc_sdk, sdc_cli, and our firmware. Our firmware will work fine with the standard driver/supplicant. The following parts are needed:
sdcsupp and sdc_cli typically go in /usr/bin typically goes in /usr/lib
A symlink goes in /usr/lib:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Mar 28 2014 ->
For the Laird supplicant, sdcsupp, we do not use the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, but instead the sdc_cli to create a file that is stored in /etc/summit/ called profiles.conf. This file does not need to be specified, so the launch should look like the following:
sdcsupp -Dnl80211 -iwlan0
Here is an example of how to create a profile for use with the sdcsupp (Profile name is miles_profile and SSID is some_ssid. This was done assuming there is an open AP):
#sdc_cli profile list
Default ACTIVE
# sdc_cli profile miles_profile add
# sdc_cli profile miles_profile set ssid some_ssid
# sdc_cli profile miles_profile activate