How do I select the 32.768kHz Low Power Clock Source in the new nRF Connect SDK


Customers using the new nRF Connect SDK from Nordic will need to change the low power 32kHz clock source when working with the BL65x family of products.

To do this in the new SDK using the Segger IDE follow the instructions here;

  1. In Segger Embedded Studio select Project --> Configure nRF Connect SDK Project 
  2. Filter the list for 'osc' or drill down in the list to the Device Drivers --> Hardware clock controller support --> NRF Clock controller support --> 32KHz clock source
  3. Select the clock source based on your configuration/design:
    1. Without the optional external 32khz xtal, default configuration for our modules, select 'RC Oscillator'
    2. With the external 32Khz xtal connected to the module, select 'Crystal Oscillator'


With the correct value selected your code should build with the right clock source configuration and your application should run smoothly.