LoRaWAN in Europe uses the 868 MHz ISM band and defines ten channels, eight of which are multi-datarate (250 kbps-5.5 kbps) plus one fixed 11 kbps and one fixed 50 kbps FSK channel. Maximum transmit power is +15 dBM with the exception of the G3 band which is +27 dBM. ETSI imposes duty cycle restrictions, typically 1%, but no maximum transmission or channel dwell time restrictions. Europe is able to use spreading factors 7-12. LoRaWAN North America uses the 902-928 MHz ISM band and defines 64 125 kHz uplink channels plus 8 500 kHz uplink channels, along with 8 500 kHz downlink channels. The maximum output power allowed is +30 dBM but typically devices use much less. There are no duty cycle limitations imposed by the FCC but there is a 400 ms max dwell time per channel. Data rates are 980 bps - 21.9 kbps from spreading factors available being 7-10.