To connect a BL620/BL620-US and a BL600 to perform an Over-the-Air remote loading of a script to the BL600, follow the OTA Application Note.
Referring to the App Note, the difference between an OTA remote connection for script loading and simple terminal chat/serial connection is as follows:
On the BL600:
The jumper between SI0_7 and VCC remains.
The nAutoRUN switch (#2) on CON 12 is OFF (to the left) vice ON
- This autoloads the VSP script embedded in the firmware at boot/reboot. Alternately you could load the script from the Sample Apps folder. We provide the script so that you can make configuration changes and/or add the script to a larger script that requires VSP.
On the BL620:
Once step 7 is reached on the OTA Application download portion, the two BLE devices should be connected in a terminal chat mode. Typing something on either terminal tab and hitting
To use the “File Transfer” option under Tera Term (or similar Terminal Emulator), open two instances, one for each COM port. Make sure to set the correct baud rate, 8N1, and hardware flow control. The VSP service now acts as an RF serial cable between the two terminals.