What is the easiest way to change the advertised Device Name in a smartBASIC Application?


Changing the advertised device name is accomplished using three different functions prior to calling the BleAdvertStart () function.

First, the BleGapSvcInit () function is used to change the device name from the default, Laird [BL600 | BT900], to the desired device name.
Next, the BleAdvRptInit () funtion must be called to create and initialize the advert report with the new device name.
Finally, the BleAdvRptsCommit () function must be called to commit the changes.

Below is an example of a simplified smartBASIC app which changes the default device name to "My Device":

// Ezurio
// Rikki Horrigan


//Global Variable Definitions
dim rc     //result code
dim nameWritable
dim nAppearance
dim nMinConnInterval
dim nMaxConnInterval
dim nSupervisionTout
dim nSlaveLatency

// Initialize Global Variable
nameWritable = 0 //The device name will not be writable by peer.
nAppearance = 1091 //Device will apear as Walking sensor on hip (org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.appearance.)
nMinConnInterval = 500000 // must be smaller than nMaxConnInterval.
nMaxConnInterval = 1000000 //must be larger than nMinConnInterval
nSupervisionTout = 4000000 //Range is between 100000 to 32000000 microseconds (rounded to the nearest 10000 microseconds)
nSlaveLatency = 0 //value must be smaller than (nSupervisionTimeout/nMaxConnInterval)-1

//Functions & Subroutines

SUB assertRC(rc, line)
  IF rc != 0 THEN
    PRINT "\nError on line ";line;", code: ";INTEGER.H'rc

// Change Device Name

FUNCTION OnStartup()
print "Default Device Name: "; BleGetDeviceName$ ();"\n"
dim deviceName$ //declare variable for DEVICENAME
deviceName$= "My Device" //Set new DEVICENAME
rc = BleGapSvcInit (deviceName$, nameWritable, nAppearance, nMinConnInterval, nMaxConnInterval, nSupervisionTout, nSlaveLatency )
print "\n New Device Name: "; BleGetDeviceName$ (); "\n"

//Create and Initializing the Advert Report (not advertised until BLEADVRPTSCOMMIT is called)
dim adRpt$ //advert report
adRpt$ = ""
rc = BleAdvRptInit(adRpt$, 2, 0, 16)

//Commit the advert report
dim scRpt$ //scan report
scRpt$ = ""
rc = BleAdvRptsCommit(adRpt$,scRpt$)

//Start Advertising
dim addr$
addr$ = ""
rc = BleAdvertStart(0,addr$,100,0,0)

//Handler Definitions

//OnEvent Statements

//Equivalent to Main() in C
rc = OnStartup()
