When working with AT Interface why am I not able to get the module down to 2uA low power mode documented in the Lower Power Mode Application Note?


The Low Power Mode referenced in the following Application Notes are based on running the lp.low.power.deep.sleep.sb sample application which is written specifically for achieving the lowest possible power state of the BL65x module. All of the LEDs on the DVK-BL65x are set to digital out low, the temperature sensor is disabled, and the UART is closed before going into the waitevent. When running the sample application referenced in the document the BL65x module will enter into enter Deep Sleep or Low Power Doze Mode (at waitevent) and achieve the stated low power levels.

Low Power Modes - BL654 v1 1.pdf
Application Note - Low Power Modes - BL654PA
Application Note - BL653 Low Power Modes
Application Note - BL653µ Series - Low Power Modes
BL652 Low Power Modes.pdf

However, if you reference section 3.8 of the AT Interface User Guide you will better understand the nature of the AT Interface application, and why the current consumption is higher even when you are sitting at a  waitevent, not entering commands. The Lpuart variant of the AT.Interface smartBASIC application ($autorun$.AT.interface.BL65x.lpuart.sb) can be used to operate the module in doze mode (with the UART closed most of the time) so that the total current consumption can be as low as sub 10 microamps.

AT Interface User Guide: BL65X