
Product Brief


Application Note



Can I really expect 15 km distance transmission using LoRaWAN in my day to day application operation?Dec 2023
How to trigger and perform a factory reset on the RG1xx gateway?Dec 2023
Does the RG1xx gateway support Bluetooth Classic and/or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)?Dec 2022
Is it possible to change the region settings on the RG1xx gateway afterwards?Dec 2022
What LoRaWAN MAC version does the RS1xx support?Dec 2021
Where are the access keys for the gateway in TTI (The Things Industries) v3?Dec 2021
What is IP rating Nov 2021
How do I check if all the needed ports are open for my network server installed in Linux machineNov 2021
Can the RG1xx UI be accessed on a cellular networkNov 2021
How do I wake up the RM1xx from deep sleep?Jan 2021
How many end-devices can a LoRaWAN gateway support?Jan 2021
What is the differnce between the RG1xx LoRaWAN Gateway and lower cost gateways?Dec 2017
What is LoRaWAN 923 requirement on end devices?Nov 2017