How to Test a Wi-Fi Embedded Medical Device
Hospitals are one of the most compelling, yet difficult RF environments. To ensure reliable functionality, a Wi-Fi radio that is embedded in a medical device must be tested thoroughly.When choosing...
Hospitals are one of the most compelling, yet difficult RF environments. To ensure reliable functionality, a Wi-Fi radio that is embedded in a medical device must be tested thoroughly.When choosing...
Hospitals are one of the most compelling, yet difficult RF environments. To ensure reliable functionality, a Wi-Fi radio that is embedded in a medical device must be tested thoroughly.When choosing...
In Connected Hospitals , wireless technology allows caregivers and patients to roam around the hospital freely while providing accurate and timely monitoring. Through successful wireless medical...
An article titled, “ Key Considerations for Designing a Wireless Medical Device ”, was recently featured by RF Globalnet. Written by David Hoglund and Chris Downey, the article covers what you...
By Jordan Manser, Technical Writer Over the past several years, there has been a dynamic shift in the types of medical devices found within hospitals. Advancements in technology and government...
A guest blog post written by Chris Downey, Product Manager of the Embedded Wireless Solutions unit of Laird, was recently featured by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Titled, “Mobility Via Wi-Fi: Transforming...
By Jordan Manser, Technical Writer As the world continues to go wireless, healthcare facilities must keep pace in order to provide the best patient care possible. Healthcare providers that leverage...
Mobility in hospitals is a growing trend, resulting in an increased number of wireless medical devices in hospitals and contributes to the Connected Hospital . The Connected Hospital is a vision of...
Testing RF Performance in Hospitals By Stephanie Lubrano, Marketing Communications Specialist Laird's article, Testing Wi-Fi Functionality in Medical Devices , written by Natalie Sheerer, was...
The Connected Hospital is a vision that will take place within the next two decades. The Connected Hospital is a vision of the future where hospitals can focus on providing the best quality of...
Top Four Healthcare IT Trends of 2014 By: Jordan Manser, Marketing Intern 2014 will be a year full of growth and change in the healthcare IT industry. More advanced technologies are expected to...
By: Chris Downey, Product Manager Our RAMP Modules are great because of their general nature. They offer any developer a way of taking a serial UART and making it wireless. Anytime you need...
On December 12, Embedded Wireless Solutions of Laird hosted a webinar titled, Making the Connected Hospital a Reality: Medical Grade Wi-Fi for Hospitals . The webinar featured guest speakers Bill...
Laird Booth Location at Medica Laird Technologies, Inc., a global leader in the design and supply of customized performance-critical components and systems for advanced electronics and wireless...
Embedded Wireless Solutions of Laird will be hosting a webinar, titled Making the Connected Hospital a Reality: Medical Grade Wi-Fi For Hospitals . The webinar features guest speakers Bill Quatier,...
By: Natalie Sheerer, Marketing Specialist Applications on many medical devices require secure and persistent network connections, because a disruption of even a tenth of a second (100...
In hospitals where wireless medical devices transmit data that are critical to patient care, it is crucial that these devices never lose connectivity, even when the devices are on the move...
Recognizing the increased importance of providing persistent wireless network connections on mobile devices, Laird Technologies has updated two white papers on Wi-Fi mobility. Both white papers...
Wi-Fi® involves over-the-air communications in two unlicensed frequency bands, the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, that are available worldwide. 802.11b and 802.11g operate only in the 2.4 GHz band...