Sentrius™ BT610 Battery Estimator

How far can power-saving take your application? 

The Sentrius BT610 is a Bluetooth 5 Low Energy multi-sensor which can last for months or years on a replaceable battery. That battery life is dependent on lots of factors such as sleep time, how many sensors are connected, ambient temperature, and more. 

To estimate how long your BT610 deployment will run on a single battery, adjust the values below. 

BT610 - Square.png

General Settings

Data Logging

Transmit Event Configuration

PHY Selection

Analog Input Events

Analog Inputs Enabled

Digital Input Events

Digital Input 1
Normally Open or Closed?
Digital Input 2
Normally Open or Closed?
Boolean Periodic Polling

Digital Output Events

Digital Output 1
Digital Output 2

Thermistor Events


AC Current Events

AC Current Sensors

Ultrasonic Events

U1trasonic Sensor (1 maximum)

Pressure Events

Pressure Sensor

Ultrasonic + Pressure Events

1 U1trasonic, 1 Pressure Sensor

About the Tool

Disclaimer: The contents of this battery estimator tool are for informational purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.