Product ID’s containing an “M” (RM024-S125-M-01, RM024-P125-M-01, RM024-S50-M-01, and RM024-P50-M-01) have both chip and U.FL antennas on board. However, products containing a C (RM024-S125-C-01, RM024-P125-C-01, RM024-S50-C-01 and RM024-P50-C-01) only have the U.FL on board. When you select chip antenna on a C product, there is no RF link. This feature does not work in FW v1.3-0 on 50 mW radios (RM024-x50-C-01). Antenna Switch (EEPROM 0xC1, bit 5) selects either integrated chip antenna or U.FL connector for external antenna.
Note: On RM024 –C units with no integrated antenna, the RF switch is still active and it is possible, though not advised, to switch to the integrated antenna option even though there is no antenna connected. RF performance in this configuration would be degraded. See Antenna Select Override in the RM024 User Guide for additional options.