When using the available Python scripts to program EZ-Serial firmware to the Vela IF820, does the script automatically select the correct firmware version for the module I am programming?


Each variant of the Vela IF820, (integrated antenna, or external antenna connector) use a different power table. The script is not able to auto-detect which variant of the Vela IF820 is being flashed, therefore, users must ensure they have modified the script to select the correct firmware version for the variant of the IF820 they are programming. Of note, the Vela IF820 dongle uses the integrated antenna firmware.

For example, to select the external antenna firmware version of the v14.12.12 firmware to flash to the module, open the {} settings.jason file in VSCode. Locate the "ezserial_firmware" line and modify the path provided for the firmware to select the correct path in the VSCode workspace files for the v1.4.12.12-candidate_ext-ant/202309011_ezserial_app_VELA-IF820-EXT-ANT-EVK_141212_v1.4.12.12_download.hex. An example of the modified script is shown below:


"default_baud": "115200",    

"mini_driver": "${workspaceFolder}/files/minidriver-20820A1-uart-patchram.hex",    

"ezserial_firmware": "${workspaceFolder}/files/v1.4.12.12-candidate_ext-ant/202309011_ezserial_app_VELA-IF820-EXT-ANT-EVK_141212_v1.4.12.12_download.hex",    

"comport_BT900_device1": "/dev/cu.usbserial-AL04XL61"

Please see the Vela IF820 User Guide for additional information about modifying the {} settings.json file.