
Product Brief


Application Note


Technical Drawings



Does Ezurio provide breakout boards for its Bluetooth modules?Jul 2024
How do I find what options the Vela IF820 Flasher CLI supports?Jun 2024
Does the IF820 Support iAP2 Applications When Using MODUSToolbox?Feb 2024
How can I check the Vela IF820 DVK/Dongle RP2040 firmware?Jan 2024
I am using if820_flasher_gui but it does not detect my DVK?Dec 2023
What are the recommended UWTerminalX settings for the Vela IF820?Nov 2023
Why does my Vela IF820 fail to accept a UART firmware update?Nov 2023
Whats the difference between EZ-Serial text and binary parse modes?Nov 2023
Does the Vela IF820 EZ-Serial support flow control?Nov 2023
Does the IF820 Support Audio?Nov 2023
How do you make an SPP connection (Classic Bluetooth) with the Vela IF820 to a Windows PC?Nov 2023
Why does my IF820 EZ-Serial not disconnect from an SPP connection?Oct 2023
When using the available Python scripts to program EZ-Serial firmware to the Vela IF820, does the script automatically select the correct firmware version for the module I am programming?Nov 2024
Does the Vela IF820 support more than one connection when using EZ-Serial?Sep 2023
How do I disable transparent data mode in EZ-Serial for the Vela IF820?Sep 2023
Why does the Vela IF820 DVK have two comports and how do I identify them?Nov 2023
Does the Vela IF820 Series - Bluetooth 5.2 Dual-Mode Modules support LE Coded Phy?Jul 2023