
Product Brief


How do I set up an open hotspot using Network Manager?Feb 2024
What versions of Android are supported by Laird Wi-Fi modules?Dec 2021
I have a Ubuntu system that has automatic updates will this affect my Wi-Fi?Dec 2021
Can I use a Laird WiFi module on Ubuntu?Dec 2021
How do I change the BLE PHY rate with the BTLRU when testing the 60 module?Dec 2021
When testing Bluetooth Classic, is it possible to just put the 60 module in Test Mode and have an Anritsu or Rhode Schawrz Bluetooth tester control it?Dec 2021
Does BTLRU allow you to do an unmodulated carrier?Dec 2021
How do I setup the ST60 for hostapd?Nov 2021
If the 60 module is used in SISO mode, what should I do with the unused antenna port?Nov 2021
Is there a way to extend the shelf life of Laird modules?? If the shelf life cannot be extended in any way, what are the consequences of using modules after shelf life?Nov 2021
How do I test connecting to a BLE peripheral in Linux?Apr 2021
How does worldwide mode differ from setting a country code?Apr 2021
How do I test running a GATT server in Linux?Apr 2021
What is the difference between the Sterling supplicant and open-source wpa_supplicant?Apr 2021
How do I confirm WiFi connection status in Linux?Apr 2021
Is there a way to discover firmware version, country code or other information on a running system?Apr 2021
How do I enable a total of 3 BSSIDs for AP mode?Apr 2021
How many BSSIDs are supported for AP mode?Apr 2021
What are some common wpa_supplicant network block profiles?Apr 2021
What do I need to consider when desinging in the chip-down/SIPT version so I can leverage your modular certifications?Apr 2021
What is the default country code for the 60 and how to do I change it?Apr 2021
Where do I access the tools used for certification testing with the 60 Series?Apr 2021
Can I use the Marvell firmware that comes with my kernel?Apr 2021
Can I use the Marvell driver that comes with my kernel?Apr 2021
How do I know what CVEs/vulnerabilities have been addressed and in which version of code?Apr 2021
When only using one antenna in my 60-series design, do I need termination for the unused antenna port?Feb 2021
Where do I find most relevant technical documents for the 60-series modules?Feb 2021
How do I use your precompiled dynamically linked binaries such as your supplicants or radio testing tools?Jan 2021
What is my best chance to use an antenna that is not pre-certified for my wireless module?Jan 2021
How do I manually cross-compile the Sterling supplicant from source?Jan 2021
Backports fails to compile with 'refcount_t {aka struct refcount_struct}' has no member named 'counter'Nov 2024
Does the ST60-2230C support 3.3 VIO?Jan 2021
How can I receive notifications of the latest updates to the driver and firmware?Jan 2021
Where can I find additional documentation for the 60 series radios?Jan 2021
What are the requirements to be able to leverage "Modular Approval"?Jan 2021